How much can I spend on the cycle to work scheme?

The cycle to work scheme does not necessarily have a limit. This is to ensure riders can get the exact bike they need to improve their commute, for example:

  • you may need an e-bike to beat the hills or arrive at work sweat-free, or
  • you might need a hard-wearing bike with a titanium frame to support you cycling 365, or
  • you might need a specialist bike that suits your body type or any disabilities you have.

Employers have increasingly offered schemes without limits but it's not universal. Employers have to consider their cash flow and their employees' eligibility to join the scheme. It's important that we note that employers are under no obligation to offer schemes with a limit in excess of £1,000. 

Helping hand 🖐

Cyclescheme's no limit scheme is called 'Freedom to ride'. For the most up to date information on this, please visit:

It's very rare for employers to have a minimum spend, but this can occasionally be the case (at the employer's discretion). Unless you've been told otherwise, it's fairly safe to assume this will not apply to you. 

How can I check what my employer's cycle to work limit is?
You simply need to enter your employer's name or code into the 'I'm an employee' section of the Cyclescheme website and check the welcome message. 
Example of an employer that has no limit:

Example of an employer that has a £1,000 limit:

Helping hand 🖐

Once you have successfully logged into the site with your employer name or code, the whole site will be customised for you. 

For example, the calculators will only allow you to crunch numbers based on your employer's scheme settings.

Savings can be affected by various factors, you can read a note within the  How much will I save on the cycle to work scheme? answer. 

For a personalised savings figure that includes ownership fees, visit our calculator and enter your details. 

You can search to see if your workplace is signed up using the search box on Cyclescheme's homepage.

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