How do I cancel?

If you're early in your application you may be able to cancel simply by logging into your MyCyclescheme account by clicking the ‘cancel my certificate’ button under the My Certificates tab. You may also be able to easily change the value of your certificate request by using our Amend the value of your certificate feature (also contained within your MyCyclescheme account).

This is all dependant on whether your employers scheme settings permit it, alternatively if not your employer can cancel your request via their employer Myschemes login area. 

Any issues with either of the above processes then please get in touch with us. It is sometimes the case that cancellations can only be requested or approved by the employer - so please bear this in mind when contacting Cyclescheme. By alerting us to your desire to cancel we will review your application and advise on the next steps. 

If we can simply cancel your request for you, we will. If we cannot, we will advise you on the steps to take with your employer. The employer may not have any obligation to allow you to cancel, so again, please bear this in mind.

Please find our contact details below:

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