Can zero hour contract workers join the cycle to work scheme?

Zero-hour contract workers are entitled to apply to the scheme. However, there are practical implications and approval to proceed sits with the employer.

Under such contracts, employers are not committed to provide employees with work and employees are not committed to accepting work. Accordingly, there may well be periods under a zero-hours contract where the employee is not providing any services to the employer.

This may prevent employers from approving Cyclescheme applicants as the main element of the scheme involves a salary sacrifice arrangement, whereby the employer recoups the funds they outlay in advance from the employees weekly/fortnightly/4-weekly/monthly salary.

If there can be periods of time whereby the employee is not working and therefore there is no salary to be paid, the employer cannot recoup the funds they have outlaid.

Helping hand 

If you are on a zero-hour contract, it may be wise to look at IntoCyclescheme. This is our service for people who are unable to join the standard scheme for a variety of reasons. 

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