What do the statuses in MyCyclescheme mean?
MyCyclescheme displays the current status of your most recent Cyclescheme Certificate. We’ve listed what the different statuses mean below:
1. Requested - You have applied to join the cycle to work scheme and your employer is now going to review your request
2. Approved - Your employer has reviewed your request and funding is now being arranged
3. Issued - You've been issued an email that will allow you access your eCertificate so you can collect or order your bike
4. Collected - You're picked up your cycle to work package and should now be enjoying your ride to work
5. Ownership - It's time for you to select an ownership option so that you can keep your cycle to work package
6. Completed - Your obligations are fulfilled, you can reapply is you wish
7. Cancelled - This request is no longer valid and is recognised as cancelled
8. Archived - Your information has been obfuscated
Within MyCyclescheme, the statuses look like this:
You can learn about other things you can do in MyCyclescheme by reading our answer 'What is MyCyclescheme?'.